
  现金预算的作用:A firm develops an annual cash budget in order to avoid the opportunity costs of non-invested excess cash and minimize the cost of interim financing.

  人工预算:a budget manual details the budget process. One of the areas that must be included in the budget manual is the communication and distribution process.As one budget is completed it  must be sent to all the departments whose budgets are based on that already completed budget.

  CM=Revenue-DL-DM-Vmfg-Vselling cost

  Invested capital=Fixed asset +working capital (not include the idle part)

  ROI and RI are before tax

  EVA are after the tax  

  master budget is also  a static budget

  COGM =DM used+DL used +MfgOH Applied+BWIP-EWIP

  BWIP-EWIP=Work-in-process inventories budgets

  COGS=Ending Iventorying +Selling-BI


  signify 预示  prioritiz 优先的,排序的


  signifies that an organization has most likely implemented is a flexible budget


  culminate . 达到顶点或高潮,以...告终

  The cash management and working capital  budgets are the last budgets prepared.But what about capital investment budget?


  What's forecasted balance sheet?

  Why the cash budget must be prepared before completing the forecasted balance sheet ?


  Budgeting is a realistic plan for the future expressed in quantitative terms.Budgeting serves as planning,control,coordinationg,evaluation tool,etc.But, based on the defininton of budgetiong,theprincipal advantage is forced planning.

  The ZBB divides the activities of individual responsibility centers into a series of packages that are prioritized.


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