Planning process: defines the objectives and goals, prioritizing how to develop, communicate and carry out accomplishing them.
Value chain analysis
Identify the value chain activities, identify the cost driver, and develop a competitive advantage. R&D, design, production, marketing, distribution, customer service
Set company’s objectives and goals
Prioritize the company’s objectives
Clearly stated in specific terms
Communicated t all individuals that they will impact
Short-term; long-term
Tactical – quantitative, around production, expenditures, inventory;
Operation – day-to-day, single-purpose;
Strategic – defines the corporate mission, addresses the long-term objectives of the organization and covers periods greater than one year. Be Directional, rather than operational.
Standing-purpose plans: developed for a specific item such as construction and operation plans fall into this category
Contingency planning: develops for prepare for possible future events.
External contingencies: uncontrollable factors that influence the strategic planning process. Like changes in the competitive environment, regulations, political issues, demographic trends, advances in technology
Internal contingencies: within the control of the organization. Changes in the mission of the organization, objectives, culture and design issues
Fulfilling objectives
Policies: general statement that guides the thinking
Procedures: specific directions about how a particular task or work item should be accomplished;
Rules: more detailed and less flexible then procedures.