E2模拟题参考答案(二) Question Four Conflict between the objectives of different stakeholder groups of an organisation is likely to arise because the parties will have different interests and priorities. For instance, shareholders will normally be looking for growth, the maximisation of profits and shareholder wealth, on the other hand employees maybe want bet... 10/13 17:10
E2模拟题参考答案(一) Question One Porter suggests that there are four determinants of national competitive advantage, expressing them in the form of a diamond (i.e. Porter's Diamond). The theory helps to explain why some nations can produce firms in particular industries which achieve sustained competitive advantage using sources of advantage that can be subs... 10/13 16:10
E2模拟题(二) Question Four When developing strategies, organisations will need to consider the objectives of different stakeholder groups. However, it is likely that the objectives of some of the stakeholder groups will be in conflict. Required: Describe the techniques that an organisation could use to deal with the conflicting objectives of different... 10/13 16:10
E2模拟题(一) Question One K Company is a small but fast growing manufacturer of specialised cutting tools for the precision engineering industry located in S Country, which is home to many similar companies including the current world leader in this field. The processes involved in the manufacture of the company's products not only depend on having hi... 10/13 16:10
CIMA管理阶段各考试要点 E2 Strategic Management and Assessing the Competitive Environment -30% Project Management -40% Management of Relationships -30% P2 Pricing and Product Decisions -30% Cost Planning and Analysis for Competitive Advantage -30% Budgeting and Management Control -20% Control and Performance Measurement of Responsibility Centres -20% F2 Group Fi... 10/12 11:10


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