E3模拟题参考答案(一) Answer: Requirement (a) As a nationalised industry, T Railways has a range of stakeholders and the focus of its performance has not been profit making as any losses have been covered by the central government of T. There has also been a lack of investment in new trains which will have adversely affected the performance of trains in the ... 10/13 17:10
E3模拟题(一) Question One TFR business sectors T Railways has two strategic objectives (pre-seen pages 3 and 4). In order to assist in the evaluation of its performance in achieving these strategic objectives and to manage its operations effectively, TFR is split into three business sectors. These business sectors are based upon customer groups and th... 10/13 17:10
CIMA战略段各考试要点 E3 Interacting with the Competitive Environment -20% Change Management -20% Evaluation of Strategic Options -30% Implementation of Strategic Plans -30% P3 Management Control Systems -10% Risk and Internal Control -25% Review and Audit of Control Systems -15% Management of Financial Risk -35% Risk and Control in Information Systems -15% F3... 10/12 13:10


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