【CFA考试**资讯】2012年12月#CFA#一级考试成绩将於2013年1月22日上午9时(美国东岸时间)以电邮通知考生, 请确保你登记的电邮地址正确和常用, 并检查CFA协会#的邮件会否被送到垃圾邮箱。如有查询, 请联络我们的客服info@cfainstitute.org .
All candidates who sit for an exam are provided with their exam result and a summary of their performance in each topic area. Candidates who do not pass the exam are provided with additional information regarding their performance relative to all other candidates who did not pass. 点击此处查看官方公告》》》.
Exam Results
We will email December 2012 Level I CFA exam results 22 January 2013, after 9:00 a.m. ET. They will be available online 23 January, after 9:00 a.m. ET.
To ensure that you receive your exam results, confirm that the e-mail address we have on file for you is correct (login required).
June 2012 exam results (all levels) (candidate login required)
点击收藏我们。 编辑推荐:2013年6月CFA考试报名全面启动
1.首先登入协会网站:https://finance.gaodun.cn/Pages/index.aspx .点击红圈选项。
2. 进入后填写用户名与密码
3. 出现该界面点击相应的考试时间成绩查询即可。
