16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第9周
以下为《保罗时报》为CFA一级考生准备的第9周复习计划,大家努力加油赶上咯! 4月12日周一4月13日周二 Reading 18: Perfect Competition 有效竞争 Reading 19: Monopoly 有效垄断 Reading 20: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly 垄断竞争与寡头垄断 Reading 21: Markets for Factors of Production 生...
11/15 10:11
16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第8周
在对CFA NOTES第二遍复习的过程中较重要的是牢记各个知识点,并加以做题巩固,考生对于重复做错的题应及时摘抄在错题本上,并经常回顾。在第二轮复习的这几周中,把每个周日作为查漏补缺的时间,巩固并且熟记每个知识点。 4月5日周一4月6日周二 Reading...
11/15 10:11
16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1-第7周
本周开始《保罗时报》16周轻松搞定CFA LEVEL 1考试准备计划将正式进入第二阶段,考生应逐渐完成对notes的第二遍学习,熟知各项内容,再将重点放在习题上面,对计算等烂熟于心。 由于是第二遍学习notes,因此本轮复习的进度会加快许多,但是安排依然会相当...
11/15 10:11
CFA考前十五天如何度过 Step 1: 跟着中心给大家总结好的LOS中相关calculation的部分,把书本上对应的计算题例题再过一遍,顺便记忆住公式。对于记不住的公式要进行总结,反复记忆。 Step 2: 放下手里的各种学习辅导书籍,投入到做题的状态。**一天可以达到做...
10/17 11:10
您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - FSA
1. Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. A company entered into a three-year construction project with a total contract price of $5.3 million and expected cost of $4.4 million. The following table provides cash flow information relating to the contract: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Costs incur...
10/17 11:10
您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - Fixed Income
1. Which of the following statements about option-adjusted spread and nominal spread is least likely accurate? A. Option-adjusted spread will be lower than the nominal spread if the option favors the investor. B. The difference between option-adjusted spread and nominal spread is zero for mortgage-backed securities because mortgage-backed...
10/17 11:10
您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - Derivatives
1. A trader enters into a short position of 20 futures contracts at an initial futures price $ 85.00. Initial margin, per contract, is $7.50. Maintenance margin, per contract, is $7.00. Each contract is for one unit of the underlying asset. Over the next three days, the contract settles at $86.00, $84.25, $85.5, his/her margin account dur...
10/17 11:10
您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - Portfolio
1. An individual wants to invest $100,000 and is considering the following stocks: stock Expected Return Standard Deviation of Returns A 12% 15% B 16% 24% The expected correlation of returns for the two stocks is +0.5. If the investor invests $40,000 in Stock A and $60,000 in Stock B, the expected standard deviation of returns on the port...
10/17 11:10
您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - Corporate Finance
1. Using WACC as discount rate We can use the companys WACC in the calculation of the NPV of a project, but we are assuming that the project: Has the same risk as the average-risk project of the company Will have a constant target capital structure throughout its useful life. WACC可以用于NPV计算的折现率,但是有2个假设条件...
10/15 15:10
您必须关注的CFA一级知识点大剖析 - Quants
1. An analyst gathered information about three economic variables, He noted that whenever variable A increased by one unit, variable B increased by 0.6 units but variable C decreased by 0.6 units. The correlation between variables A and B and the correlation between variables A and C respectively, are closest to: Correlation between varia...
10/15 15:10
1. Roberto Vargas, CFA, manages the Student Scholarship Trust, who is deputy treasurer for Spartan College, Vargas issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for domestic portfolio managers. Pamela Peters, CFA, a good friend of Vargas, introduces him to representatives from Capital Investments, who submitted a proposal. Vargas selected Capital ...
10/15 15:10
亲爱的CFA学员: CFA 考试功的原因只有一个,就是坚持!下面我们给大家提一些比较实用的学习建议。 CFA 一级考试失败原因有很多,主要包括: 1 、 学习复习不到位 CFA 考试知识点多,内容庞杂,部分考生是没有金融专业背景的学生或在职人士,平时工作繁忙,...
10/12 14:10
10/11 13:10
CFA一级和二级的考试科目是:道德与职业行为标准(Ethics and Professional Standards) 定量分析(Quantitative)经济学(Economics)财务报表分析(Financial Statement Analysis) 公司理财(Corporate Finance)组合管理 (Portfolio Management)权益投资(Equity Investments) 固定收益投资(Fixed Income)衍生工具...
09/12 14:09
CFA三级考核考生在实际业务中怎样权衡个人或者机构投资的收益与风险,对整个投资进行综合跟踪评估和各种不利有利因素的权衡抉择。而这些权衡选择的标准在CFA教材学习纲要和考纲上都详细罗列出供考生学习。 早期CFA三级的考试是单选形式,考生根据要求...
06/21 17:06
CFA2级考核重点: CFA2级考试采用案例分析单选题考核的模式,CFA协会自2000年开始在CFA二级阶段试行案例分析考试模式,2005年真正确定二级的考试模式。经过几年测试确定案例分析的考试模式更具针对性,更有助于考核考生知识掌握程度,更能考核考生的专业水...
06/21 17:06
CFA Level 1 伦理道德准则中文
CFA Level 1 伦理道德准则中文 cfa LEVEL 1 伦理学和职业标准 CFA是英文Chartered Financial Analyst的简称,是国际通行的一种金融投资从业者专业资格认证,CFA资格由美国投资研究及管理专业协会(Association for Investment Management and Research,简称AIMR)进行资格评审和认定。要...
06/21 17:06
总的来说,财务依旧是难点,麻烦的是估值,股票、债券、衍生工具等,而且也很重要。 分项来说: ETHIC:道德试题和I级类似(不过,终于不再是一票否决的priority了),只是变成了CASE形式于是更难更八卦一些,还有GIPs不考 QUANT:数学一如既往是拿分的科目...
06/21 17:06
注册金融分析师 CFA考试涉及的主要知识点
CFA共有三个级别的考试,但每个级别的考试涉及的知识点范围基本一致,只是要点和侧重不同。 CFA考试涉及的主要知识点是: 1、 道德和职业标准Ethical and Professional Standards 2、 定量方法Quantitative Methods 3、 经济学Economics 4、 财务报告与分析Financial Reporting and ...
06/21 17:06
根据CFA协会的要求,CFA考试的知识结构是如下层次设计的:一级侧重investment tools;二级侧重asset valuation;三级侧重portfolio management。难度是基本上逐级加大,所谓一级要知其然就可以了,二三级要知其所以然。 但现在中国普遍的考生反映是二级难度**,三级反...
06/21 17:06