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        CFA协会声明,CFA考生有责任了解并遵守这些规定。在考试过程中,考试中心的监管人员有权利向CFA协会报告考生出现的不当行为或违反考试规定的行为。Learn more about misconduct and rules violations





        ? ID Policy Change


        The CFA Program identification policy changed, effective 1 January 2011.

        Find out how this could impact you.



        ? Testing Policies



        Ⅰ. Admission Ticket Policy

        Before viewing your ticket, you will be prompted to read and agree to abide by the conditions, requirements, policies, and procedures for the CFA exam. It is your responsibility to print one copy of your admission ticket on clean, unused paper and bring it with you to the test center on exam day. You will not be admitted into the testing room without an admission ticket.

        You must not write on the front or back of your admission ticket at any time before, during, or after the exam. Your ticket must display the correct exam date and test center according to our records. Your ticket will only allow you admittance to the test center listed.

        The information on your admission ticket must match the information as it appears on your valid international travel passport. Submit an Identification Information Change Request (PDF) if necessary. If the information does not match, you will not be permitted to sit for the exam and will forfeit your registration fee. Review the existing identification policy for more information.

        Find out more about your admission ticket (candidate login required).



        Ⅱ. Calculator Policy

        Only two calculator models are authorized for use during CFA Program exams:

        Texas Instruments BA II Plus (including BA II Plus Professional)

        Hewlett Packard 12C (including the HP 12C Platinum, 12C 25th anniversary edition, and 12C 30th anniversary edition)

        Both authorized models are widely available through retail stores or online. Buy an approved calculator early so you can practice using it as you study.

        Bring the approved calculator with you on exam day; calculators will not be available at the test center.

        Find a Texas Instruments calculator distributor or purchase online.

        Find a Hewlett Packard calculator distributor or purchase online.

        Please note that CFA Institute does not profit from the sales of these calculators. CFA Institute does not endorse, warrant, or guarantee the calculators or any other products or services provided by these distributors.

        CFA Institute strictly enforces all policies with regard to calculator usage during the exams and candidates are required to abide by the policies of CFA Institute.

        Your calculator will be inspected prior to the start of the exam. Your calculator must remain on your desk in full view and proctors will continue to inspect calculators throughout the administration of the exam. Possession or use of an unauthorized calculator at the test center will result in the voiding of your exam results and may lead to the suspension or termination of your candidacy in the CFA Program. Failure by the proctors to detect an unauthorized calculator prior to the start of the exam, or your use of an unauthorized calculator at any time during the exam, does not imply that the calculator is an approved model or that your scores will ultimately be reported.

        Calculator covers, keystroke cards, and loose batteries are permitted in the testing room; instruction manuals are not. You may keep a small screwdriver with you if necessary to replace batteries in the BA II Plus.



        Ⅲ. Candidate Pledge Policy

        At the testing center, you will be required to sign a pledge affirming that you have not given or received assistance during the exam.

        Sample Candidate Pledge (may vary on exam day)

        As a candidate in the CFA Program, I am obligated to follow Standard VII(A) of the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, which states that members and candidates must not engage in any conduct that compromises the reputation or integrity of CFA Institute or the CFA designation or the integrity, validity, or security of the CFA exam.

        Prior to this exam, I have not given or received information regarding the content of this exam. During this exam, I will not give or receive any information regarding the content of this exam.

        After this exam, I will not disclose any portion of this exam and I will not remove any exam materials from the testing room in original or copied form. I understand that all exam materials, including my answers, are the property of CFA Institute and will not be returned to me in any form.

        I will follow all rules of the CFA Program as stated on the CFA Institute website and the back cover of the exam book. My violation of any rules of the CFA Program will result in CFA Institute voiding my exam results and may lead to suspension or termination of my candidacy in the CFA Program.


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