New CPA Exam Score Release Timetable for Q3/Q4 2012
The U.S. CPA Exam score release timelines have been such a hot topic amongst candidates that we have decided to post regular updates. Updated score release timelines will be announced every quarter on USCPA Insights and will also be posted on the CPA Exam website. Below is the score release timeline for candidates to easily find their score release dates.
In the second half of 2012, scores for the CPA Exam will be released by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy to individual state boards of accountancy based upon the target score release dates listed in the table below.
Day in Testing Window* | Target Release Timeline | Target Q3'12 Score Release | Target Q4'12 Score Release |
Day 1 – 20 | 11 business days following day 20 of the testing window | August 6 | November 5 |
Day 21 – 45 | 6 business days following day 45 of the testing window | August 22 | November 26 |
Day 46 – Close of window | 6 business days following the close of the testing window | September 10 | December 7 |
After Close of Window | 6 business days after receiving all scoring data for the testing window | TBD | TBD |
