近日,NASBA联合USCPA及Prometric发布2013年考生公告。2013年考生公告中有一个很大的变化是2013年1月2日后,纸和笔将不允许带入USCPA考场,考试中心会为每位考生发一个简易的小板来进行演算。拿到小板后,考生需将Launch Code 写在小板上,考试完毕后后需将小板交回。如第一个小板的已经写满,更换新板前你需要将前一个板子归还。
Effective January 2, 2013, in lieu of scratch paper and pencils, candidates will be provided with two double sided, laminated, colored sheets called “noteboards,” as well as a fine point marker for making notations.
You will be directed to write your examination Launch Code (from your NTS) on your noteboards. You will be required to return the noteboards to the test center staff when your examination is complete. If you need additional writing space, you may request additional noteboards from the test center staff, but you must first turn in the original noteboards you received in order to get a new supply.
You must not bring any paper or pencils to the workstation in the testing room.
