USCPA相关知识:USCPA International Membership
We have a number of options to get you 'plugged in' to the world's largest and most influential accounting community. We offer our members a range of valuable products and services, including a 24/7 technical support team. Benefits of USCPA Membership. Want to become a CPA? Here is what you need to know: In brief, the application process for becoming a CPA is basically the same for U.S. and international candidates alike. You first need to decide in which state you would like to become licensed, and then you need to contact that State Board of Accountancy for more information, including their requirements and any documentation you should provide. The State Board of Accountancy will tell you what you need to do, including any courses you need to take, to be permitted to sit for the CPA Exam. The CPA exam is primarily offered only in the United States, although there are sites in Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. After passing the exam, and meeting necessary experience or other requirements, the State Board of Accountancy will then issue you a CPA license. Once you have been issued a CPA license, you are eligible for full membership in the USCPA. NOTE: Qualifying through a board of accountancy is the ONLY route to the CPA designation. There is NO central professional body in the U.S. through which candidates may qualify as CPAs.
