
Session 2

  ☆Financial Statements include:

  - a statement of financial position at the end of the period

  - a statement of comprehensive income for the period

  - a statement of changes in equity for the period

  - statement of cash flows for the period

  - notes, comprising a summary of accounting policies and other explanatory notes

  The statement of financial position:

  Statement of Financial Position: showing the financial position of a business at a point of time.

  The Vertical format of the SFP: (Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2007)

  ●The top half of the balance sheet shows the assets of the business.

  ●The bottom half of the balance sheet shows the capital and liabilities of the business.

  A Statement of financial position at the end of the period (Balance Sheet):

  W Xang

  Balance Sheet as at December 31 20X6


Non – current assets  

Motor Van 2,400

Current assets  


Trade receivables1,840 

Cash at bank1,704 

Cash in hand56 


Total assets 8,390



Capital account  

Balance at 1 January 20X64,200 

Add net profit for year3,450 

Increase in capital1,000 


Less: Drawing for year(2,960) 



Non – current liabilities 1,000

Current liabilities  

Payable 1,700

Total 8,390

  The horizontal format of the SFP: (Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2007)

  ●The left half of the balance sheet shows the assets of the business.

  ●The right half of the balance sheet shows the capital and liabilities of the business.

  W Xang

  Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 20x6

 $$ $$

Non-current assets  Non-current liabilities 1,000

Motor van 2,400Trade payable  1,700

  2,400Total liabilities  2,700

   Capital account  

Current assets  Balance at 1 January 20X64,200 

Inventory2,390 Add net profit for year3,450 

Trade receivables1,680 Increase in capital1,000 

Cash at bank1,704  8,650 

Cash in hand56 Less: Drawing for year-2,960 

Total current assets 5,990  5,690

Total assets 8,390Total capital and liabilities 8,390

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