
P3Tips for June 2012
1 Strategic position and analysis; corporate parenting
This may include Budget Variance and cost accounting (Cost Apportionment, Variable cost) Analysis,
Such as the Variance analysis between Planning (Budget) and the actual result.(侧重体现于内部外环境变化对这种Variance的影响)。
2 Communicating mission and core values (see recent ACCA SA article)
Refer to Technical Article:
Communicating core values and mission (Mar 2012)
Strategy and people (Mar 2011)
3 Project gateways, project lifecycle and project initiation document
Refer to Technical Article:
Project management: business cases and gateways (April 2011)
4 Expected values/decision tree. Process improvement
Refer to Technical Article:
Business forecasting and strategy(Jan 2011)
5 Benchmarking
Refer to Technical Article:
Benchmarking (April 2012)

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