F4 考试大纲:
F4 Corporate & Business Law (English) 是ACCA 考试中**的一门法律科目,它的大纲设置主要涵盖了:
lEnglish Legal System (英国法律体系)
lLaw of Contract (合同法)
lTort Law (民法)
lLaw of Employment (劳动合同法)
lAgency (代理)
lPartnership (合伙企业)
lCompany Law (公司法), 以及
lProfessional ethics and Corporate Governance (职业道德与公司治理)。
F4 考试结构:
l第 1-7题为问答题,考官直接在问题中明确要测试的知识点,要求考生回答相应法律条款及以往案例。
在F4 考题由可选题变成必做题后,F4考试的难度也随之加大,这就要求考生要对大纲中的每一章节都能熟练掌握,不能遗漏。
Introduction/definition, rule of law, case name, name of Act, Section number
Introduction/definition/declaration of issue, rule of law, case name,
name of Act, Section number, fact analysis, and conclusion.
F4 学习方法:
作为ACCA fundamental level 中少有的纯理论科目,F4 除要求大家能深入地理解大纲涵盖的知识点之外,还要求每一位考生拥有强大的记忆力,以及逻辑分析能力。尤其是在回答案例分析题时,只有建立在对大纲所有知识点都熟知的前提下,才能针对案情,回答出相对应的法律条款及以往案例,在宝贵的3小时考试中,不浪费笔墨写任何不得分的答案。
考生必须用case 来支持答案,但是 fact of the case 是不需要在答案中详细摘录的。在学习过程中, fact是帮助理解的极好手段,也是解答案例分析题的极好参考。正确地应用statutory legislation,以及section number,在答题中也是必须的。
F4考官在他的报告中还强调,Companies Act 2006(CA 2006)已经出现在ACCA F4最近的2次的考试中了,但是从这2次的考试结果来看,很多考生没有认识到CA 2006 与CA 1985之中的变化,在答题过程中仍使用老CA 1985的知识来作答,因此白白花费了大量考前准备以及考试中宝贵的时间。
考官倾向于将CA 2006中的新变化,以及新加入的Tort Law作为考题,所以考生必须保证其准备的考试材料都已更新。参加好的培训班,并拥有一份**的练习册,是顺利高分通过考试的必要前提。
F4 考试问题范围:
第1题,Legal System
第2题,Law of Contract
第3题,Tort Law
第4,5 题,Company Law
第6, 7题,Employment Law, Corporate Governance, agency, partnership或Company Law
第8题,Contract Law
第9,10题,Employment Law, Corporate
Governance, agency, partnership或Company Law
1. Legal system
Judicial precedent, delegated legislation,
statute interpretation, Human Rights Act 1998,
2. Law of contract
Consideration, contract terms,
exclusion clause, breach of contract and remedies
3. Tort Law (大纲新内容,重点留意)
Passing-off, Negligence, Breach of duty of care,
causality of damage, professional negligence
4. Employment Law
Employment contract, duty of parties, dismissal, Redundancy
5. Agency
Creation, authority, liability
6. Partnership
Authority, liability of partners, partnership vs company
7. Company formation & constitution
Name of company (大纲新内容), Company promoter,
trading certificate effect of constitution, effects of company constitution
8. Company capital
Class rights, company charge, loan vs share capital,
capital maintenance, issuing shares
9. Company administration
Company director, company secretary, and meetings
10.Company insolvency
Compulsory and voluntary liquidation, Administration
11.Corporate governance
Corporate governance, money laundering, fraudulent and wrongful trading
-Brief explanation of source of law, types of law, court structure
-Define offer, acceptance, distinguish offer and ITT, doctrine of privity,
intention to create legal relations, breach
of contract and remedies (anticipatory breach)
-Standard of duty of care, remoteness of damage, defense to negligence,
-Separate personality, lifting the veil of incorporation,
explain clauses in MA, alteration of AA
-Define ordinary, preference shares, nominal/market value
and debentures, distribution of dividend,
-Distinguish ED, NED, shadow D. Role, duty of directors to
promote the success of the company, power of company auditors,
company resolution
-Distinguish Employee and self-employed, constructive dismissal,
statutory grounds of unfair dismissal,
remedies for unfair dismissal
案例分析题 (8-10题):
-Define offer, acceptance, distinguish offer and ITT,
breach of contract and remedies
-Interrelation between partnership and agency law,
authority, liability of partners
-order of repayment in company’s insolvency, alteration of AA
-Insider dealing
-power of company directors to bind the companies
