


  - F1考官Bob Souster介绍:

  Bob runs a successful education and trainign partnership.

  His previous background is in banking and he was

  divisional manager of a large financial institution.

  Bob also has many years of lecturing experience globally,

  specializing in teaching a variety of law and management subjects.


  - F1课程目的:

  To develop knowledge and understanding of the business

  environment and the influencethis has on

  how organisations and accountants operate,

  and of the role of the accountant

  and other key business functions in contributing to an efficient,

  effective and ethical organisation,

  and to build knowledge and understanding of the

  basic principles of effective management.


  - F1的内容:



  The F1 syllabus is broad and demands a knowledge and comprehension of

  concepts relating to organizations and management as well as basic accounting

  functions and activities.


  虽然F1的内容包罗万象,但根据大纲要求它只属于Fundamental Level,所以只是basic understanding 就好,并不需要应用。F1要求学生学习时一定要通看课本和老师讲义,而且应该做大量阅读,注意广度,以理解为主,不要对某方面知识死钻牛角尖。F1的学习绝对不可猜题,复习时也绝对不可有遗漏或空白。


  Achieving a pass in F1 requires a broad-

  based approach, balancing the need to cover all areas of syllabus

  without necessarily having to expore individual topics in any great depth.

  The deeper understanding is tested at the higher levels of the ACCA

  qualification in papers such as P3.


  - F1 的考试准备

  要想通过F1考试,平时的努力很重要。平时应大量阅读课本,讲师讲义,和课外相关内容的参考书。一定要理解相关内容,这门课死记硬背是无效的。 另外,英语词汇量和阅读速度也是至关重要的,如果题目读不懂,肯定答不出来。所以平时学员要多练习英文阅读,提高英语词汇量(包括常用词汇和专业词汇)。




  - F1的考试技巧




  Richard is a valuable member of his team.

  He is enthusiastic and curious, highly communicative and

  has a capacity for contacting people and exploring anything new.

  Which of Belbin’s team roles does Richard fulfil?



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