ACCA F4 2012年6月考试考点预测
Case law / the doctrine of binding precedent(准备10分的内容,确保自己将来能答400字以上,以下同)
Ratio decidendi and obiter dicta (准备5分的内容,确保可写200字左右,以下同)
Distinguish, reverse, overruling(5分的内容)
Persuasive precedents (5分的内容)
Acts of parliament (5分的内容)
Delegate legislation (10分的内容)
Interpretation of statutes (7分的内容)& HRA(3分的内容)自己折算字数,7分的字数为0.7*400,即280字以上。
Offer (5 marks)
Offer and acceptance 案例题(10marks)
Counter offer(4 marks,可以自己折算字数,4分的字数为,0.4*400,即160字以上)
Invitation to treat (5marks)
Acceptance (3marks)
Unilateral contract/ unilateral offer (4marks)
Post rule(5marks)
Consideration, types of consideration (10 marks)
Consideration must be sufficient (10 marks 案例)
Collateral contract (3marks)
Doctrine of privity of contract (5marks)
Breach and anticipatory breach (10marks)
Liquidate damages& penalty clause(7marks)
Remedies (including damage and other remedies, 10 marks)
同时要预防breach and remedy的案例题10分
Res ipsa loquitur(5marks)
But for test (5marks)
Novus actus intervieniens(5marks)
Contributory negligence (5marks)
Volenti noon fit injuria(5marks)
Duties of employee and employer (10marks)
Employed and self employed (10 marks)
Constructive dismissal (3 marks)
unfair dismissal (10marks)
automatically unfair dismissal and remedies for unfair dismissal (10marks)
Types of partners(10marks)
Authority of partner& liability to partnership debts &retired partners 综合的案例题10分
Dissolution of partnership (10 marks)
Duties of partner (5marks)
Meaning of limited liability (3marks)
Unlimited company (3marks)
Limited company by share(3marks)
Limited company by guarantee (3marks)
Public company (5marks)
Private company(5marks)
Fraudulent trading (3marks)
Wrongful trading (5marks)
Limitation on company names(7marks)
Tort of passing off(3marks)
Company name adjudicator (3marks)
Alteration of the articles (5marks,但要理解,防案例)
Effect of Articles on members and non members(4marks,需理解,防案例)
The content of company objects clause (4marks)
The doctrine of ultra vires (7marks)
Debenture (4marks)
Fixed charge (4marks)
Floating charge & crystallization (4marks)
Registration of charges (2marks)
Priority of charge (2marks)
Comparison of fixed and floating charges(熟读,深入理解,不用背)
Debenture holders remedies (熟读,深入理解,不用背)
Capital maintenance (4marks)
Issue 1 reduction of share capital (10marks)
Issue 3 distributing dividends(10marks)
Appointment of directors (3marks)
Removal of directors (7marks)
Disqualification of directors under CDDA(10marks)
Duties of director有整体和细节两种考法,所以:
Duties of director(10marks)
Duty to promote the success of the company (10marks)
Duty to exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence (10marks,案例)
Duty to avoid conflicts of interest (10marks,案例)
Duty to declare interest in proposed and existing transaction (5marks,案例)
Auditor (10marks)
Annual general meeting (5marks)
General meeting at other time (3marks)
Class meeting (4marks)
Ordinary resolution (2marks)
Special resolution (4marks)
Difference between ordinary and special resolution (2marks)
Written resolution (5marks)
Voluntary winding up (10marks)
Compulsory winding up under S122 of Insolvency Act 1986(10 marks)
Saving a company: administration (6marks)
Insider dealing (10marks)
