ACCA考试 中F4 考试结构: 15分钟阅读及180分钟答题时间,共10题,每题10分,均为必做题,问题内容涉及整个大纲,其中: l第 1-7题为问答题,考官直接在问题中明确要测试的知识点,要求考生回答相应法律条款及以往案例。 l第8-10题为案例分析题,考官会给出...
08/07 10:08
ACCA考试 中F1 的考试准备 要想通过F1考试,平时的努力很重要。平时应大量阅读课本,讲师讲义,和课外相关内容的参考书。一定要理解相关内容,这门课死记硬背是无效的。 另外,英语词汇量和阅读速度也是至关重要的,如果题目读不懂,肯定答不出来。所...
08/07 10:08
1 WHAT WAS DONE WELL? Areas of the syllabus were answered we11 such as: Double entry bookkeeping Documentation of accounting transactions Preparation of control accounts Non-current assettransactions Recording and valuation of inventory Accounting concepts/qualitative characteristics Events after reporting date and basic provisions 2 WHAT...
08/07 10:08
每次考试结束 ACCA 考官都会根据本次考试考生的总体表现情况写报告,具体分析学生在答题过程中出现的问题,总结学生在备考该科目时应该注意的事项,以下是0年月F9考官报告: G C C P F9 0! 0 . P , , . I . O, , , 4. S C Q O () (NPV) BQK C . M . A , , . - % . S - 9%, F , % . A ,...
07/09 16:07
每次考试结束 ACCA 考官都会根据本次考试考生的总体表现情况写报告,具体分析学生在答题过程中出现的问题,总结学生在备考该科目时应该注意的事项,以下是0年月F8考官报告: G C . Q 0 , 0 0 . . C , 4 , 4 5. C , , , 4. , , , , , , 4, 5 5. ; . I . . F , ; ; URING . . C . , . W ...
07/09 16:07
每次考试结束 ACCA 考官都会根据本次考试考生的总体表现情况写报告,具体分析学生在答题过程中出现的问题,总结学生在备考该科目时应该注意的事项,以下是0年月F7考官报告: G C I 50%. - . . M , . Q , . A 4 5 ( ) , . 70 80. A I I : N , () . S . S , . . M . F , () ' '. M, , . ...
07/09 16:07
每次考试结束ACCA考官都会根据本次考试考生的总体表现情况写报告,具体分析学生在答题过程中出现的问题,总结学生在备考该科目时应该注意的事项,以下是2012年12月F4考官报告: General Comments There was a significant drop in the number of candidates passing this exam. This f...
06/19 15:06
每次考试结束ACCA考官都会根据本次考试考生的总体表现情况写报告,具体分析学生在答题过程中出现的问题,总结学生在备考该科目时应该注意的事项,以下是2012年12月F5考官报告: General Comments The examination consisted of five compulsory questions worth 20 marks each. The va...
06/19 15:06
每次考试结束ACCA考官都会根据本次考试考生的总体表现情况写报告,具体分析学生在答题过程中出现的问题,总结学生在备考该科目时应该注意的事项,以下是2012年12月F6考官报告: General Comments The examination consisted of five compulsory questions. Question 1 for 25 marks, q...
06/19 15:06
2011 年6 月ACCA 考官点评文章-P7 2011 年6 月ACCA 考官点评文章(英国 )-P6 2011 年6 月ACCA 考官点评文章-P5 2011 年6 月ACCA 考官点评文章-P4 2011 年6 月ACCA 考官点评文章-P3 2011 年6 月ACCA 考官点评文章-P2 2011 年6 月ACCA 考官点评文章-P1 2011 年6 月ACCA 考官点评文章-F9 2011 年...
02/26 13:02
1、考试前15分钟读题时间一定要将每道题考什么进行定位,然后每道题特别是案例题, 需要将答题的思路进行整理,并写在题目旁边。这样做将节约大量时间,考试一开始即可直接在答题纸上给出答案,不需思考; 2、考试时严格按照每道题不超过18分钟,每道...
11/21 17:11
Exam Tips for June 2012 Paper F7 Financial Reporting Consolidation in Question 1 - Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income with following topics: - Goodwill calculation and relevant impairment; - Mid-year acquisition of subsidiary and relevant time-apportionment; - Fair value adjustment (inc. fair value adjustments adjustment) and ...
11/19 14:11
ACCA F9常见问题
1. In investment appraisal calculations, I have a problem with using capital allowances since i am confused about the timing of the capital allowances and the tax benefits they generate. Can you help me? Capital allowances or tax-allowable depreciation give a company the benefit of tax relief on the cost of buying non-current assets. The ...
11/15 10:11

☆Types of business entity A business can be organized in one of the several ways: ●Sole trader a business owned and operated by one person. The simple form of business is the sole trader. This is owned and managed by one person, although there might be any number of employees. A sole trader is fully personally liable for any losses th...
09/21 15:09
那天,我与ACCA相遇,从此与它结下不解之缘。我深信对自己有比较清楚的认知,我的性格,我的爱好,我的兴趣专长这一切无不在潜意识里牵引我走进ACCA。 当得知我在2007年12月份的考试中获得F1单科成绩中国大陆第一时,心情既惊又喜。夜阑人静时分,常常会...
09/07 14:09
F4 考试大纲: F4 Corporate Business Law (English) 是ACCA 考试中**的一门法律科目,它的大纲设置主要涵盖了: lEnglish Legal System (英国法律体系) lLaw of Contract (合同法) lTort Law (民法) lLaw of Employment (劳动合同法) lAgency (代理) lPartnership (合伙企业) lCompany Law (公司法), 以及...
09/04 13:09
1 WHAT WAS DONE WELL? Areas of the syllabus were answered we11 such as: Double entry bookkeeping Documentation of accounting transactions Preparation of control accounts Non-current assettransactions Recording and valuation of inventory Accounting concepts/qualitative characteristics Events after reporting date and basic provisions 2 WHAT...
09/04 13:09
F1是ACCA考试中第一门课,是在原大纲ACCA1.3的基础上加了财会,审计等内容的一门课。 - F1考官Bob Souster介绍: Bob runs a successful education and trainign partnership. His previous background is in banking and he was divisional manager of a large financial institution. Bob also has many years of lecturing...
09/04 13:09
☆Financial Statements include: - a statement of financial position at the end of the period - a statement of comprehensive income for the period - a statement of changes in equity for the period - statement of cash flows for the period - notes, comprising a summary of accounting policies and other explanatory notes The statement of fina...
08/03 15:08
F9 (FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT),为ACCA FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL 的最后一个PAPER。根据2007新大纲的要求,应对整个PAPER 有总体理解,对涉及的每一部分都应重点掌握,因为每次考试考官都会尽量覆盖整个SYLLABUS 90% 左右的内容,每一部分都有可能出题,若想通过考试对知识点的全面掌...
08/03 15:08