
【P3】2010年6月P3考题预测及分析 —— Mike

P3 Exam question analysis June 2010

General analysis
P3 is not a easy paper at all. It’s mainly about strategic business analysis with which most of accountants are not familiar. It contains many theoretical models, some of them are pretty obscure, difficult to understand and remember. The nodi for the exam do not only lie in theoretical aspect, what’s more, 90%-95% of the real questions require application skills of those theories, they don’t simply test models, and the examiner does not expect an answer mirroring theories, instead discussive answers in an analytical manner demonstrating application skilled are required, in this regard most of Chinese students are weak.

Prior to December 2007, the examiner did not specify the model(s) to be applied leaving some space for students to make a choice among relevant models. At that moment students could benefit from the flexibility in to-be-applied models, if they did not study one model, they have chance to apply another relevant model which they knew. After December 2007, the incumbent examiner  tends to stipulate the model or models to be applied, though this method removes the risk of struggling for time-consuming decision about which one should be applied in the exam, other  risks do exist if students don’t study the examined theories or they are not familiar with the tested models. In addition, as only one model is requested, students usually have less points to plan their answers rather than previously students could apply 2 or 3 models which can easily build up the volume of answers, and examiner expect deeper analytical answers within the prescribed area. In this regard, deeper answers will be more difficult and more time-consuming as thinking and deduction are inevitable.

Another distinctive characteristic of real questions after December 2007 is the volume of reading increased considerably not only in part A but also in part B questions. Before December 2007 the paper was at around 3000 words, now it’s about 3500 – 4000 words, 25% increase in average. On the other hand only 15 minutes were added, representing 8% increase, so higher pressure prevails  than before, which necessitate better time planning, higher proficiency of knowledge and more application practice in order to pass P3 successfully.

(Below analysis only refers to history after December 2007 if not specified clearly.)

Part A Strategic position
Part A contains following frequently tested topics
 5 forces model
 Value chain
 Cultural context
 Mendelow matrix
 Strategic lenses
 Porter diamond
 others

PESTEL is a tool to analyze macro environment and external strategic position, it is an important and frequently tested topic once 3-4 sessions, it was tested in December 2008 (20’) and also appeared on pilot paper (10’), it has good chance to come out this time.
Porter’s 5-force model examines micro business environment by analyzing competing forces, it weighs same level as PESTEL, value chain and SWOT do. It has high frequency of being tested about once 2-3 sessions, it was tested in June 2008 (20’) and December 2009 (20’), it also appeared on the pilot paper (15’). As it was just tested in last sitting, so it’s unlikely to be tested again this time.
Value chain is concerned with analyzing an organization’s primary and supporting activities and identifying the areas where core competences are derived and non core competence or non-value-added activities can be outsourced or eliminated. It’s an important topic same as PESTEL, 5 forces and SWOT. It was tested in December 2009 (25’) and December 2007 (5’+), and appeared on the pilot paper. It normally appears in section B in conjunction with question of reconstructing upstream or downstream value chain (Dec 07) or business process change (Dec 09). Again as it was just tested in last sitting, so it’s unlikely to be tested this time
SWOT is a tool to examine both external and internal strategic positions of an organization, it’s an important topic as PESTEL, 5 forces and value chain. It was tested in June 2009 (12’) and December 2007 (20’), if PESTEL does not show up, then SWOT is likely to be tested.
Product life cycle is another frequently tested topic usually together with other topics. It depicts different stages of product life cycle, discusses characteristics of each stage and identifies appropriate strategy for different stage. It was tested in June 2009 (part of 18’) and June 2008 (part of 20’). In June 2009 it showed up together with leadership styles and in June 2008 with 5-force model. It’s possible that PLC comes out together with SWOT.
Cultural context is about internal environment analysis as it places an important role in strategy formulation. It was only tested in December 2008 (20’) so far and 20 marks indicate that it’s an important topic though it was tested once, so students should not risk the area. It’s likely that it will show up together with PESTEL in Part A question.
Mendelow matrix is another tool to look at internal environment, it’s concerned with stakeholder’s interest and power analysis. It was only tested in December 2009 (10’) so far, it’s relatively easy so students should not lose marks here. Again as it was just tested in last sitting, so it’s unlikely to be tested this time.
Strategic lenses look at how strategies are developed, they were tested in December 2008 (10’) and June 2009, it’s likely to show up in this session as a small question either in part A or part B.
Porter Diamond is used to examine the strategic position of an industry within a country as a whole, it also looks at macro environment but focuses on industries instead of organizations. It has not been tested so far but was examined in December 2004. so it’s no longer a popular topic. However, if PESTEL does not show up, then Porter Diamond is possible to be tested.
Other topics include core competence, knowledge management, benchmarking and mission statement which students should master. Particularly deserving notice, there was an technical article about knowledge management in this April magazine.

Part B Strategic choices
Part B contains following frequently tested topics
 Ashridge portfolio display
 Ansoff’s matrix
 Strategic clock
 Others (corporate parent, Porter’s bases of competition)

BCG (Boston consulting group) matrix examines corporate portfolios based on balance and attractiveness, it has not been tested since Dec 2007 but was examined in Dec 2006 (Q4), so it’s no longer hot topic.
Ashridge portfolio display is another model examines corporate portfolios but based on fitness including both benefit fit and feel fit. It has never been tested except for Dec 2005 (Q1). However in April 2010 student magazine there was a technical article talking about ‘take-over’ or merger which drove up the importance of this topic.
Ansoff’s matrix is an important model as it gives business strategy directions. It was tested in June 2009, it’s unlikely to be tested such soon, but students need to get familiar with as it may be indirectly examined together with other topics such as Ashridge portfolio display.
Strategic clock discusses business strategies on the based of competitiveness, it was tested in Dec 2007 (Q1), the first exam after the transition, it’s an important topic. It has good chance to appear in Q1. 
IAS is a model about strategic method, it’s frequently tested, Pilot paper Q2 tested all 3 methods, Jun 2009 Q2 tested ‘franchizing’, so internal growth or acquisition could be examined directly or indirectly this time.
SAF is a model justifying a proposed strategy, it’s an important topic and frequently tested. Pilot paper Q1 tested it, June 2009 Q1 tested it again, it’s possible to be asked together with proposed strategies.
Others topics especially types of corporate parent should be mastered.

Part C & D Strategic actions & Business process change
Part C & D contain following frequently tested topics
 Structure, process and relationship
 Reward system & performance measurement
 Leadership style
 Balogun Hailey matrix-types of change
 Style of managing change
 Kurt Lewin force-field analysis
 DCCPPRST (context features of strategic change)
 Harmon’s process-strategy matrix
 Swimlane diagram
 Software evaluation procedure
 Others (advantage and disadvantage of standard software package, software package assessment and selection)

Structure, process and relationship are important concepts, structure and process are usually not tested separately, normally combined with topic of business process change. Relationship was once tested in June 2008 Q2 (outsourcing)
Reward system & performance measurement is a frequently tested topic, it’s almost tested every year, Dec 2007-balanced scorecard, June 2008-reward system, Dec 2008-reward system, June 2009-reward scheme, it has good chance to come out this time.
Leadership style is about how to motivate people, it was tested once in June 2009 Q2, it’s possible that it will not show up this time.
Balogun Hailey matrix examines the types of change, and was tested in June 2008 Q4, it’s likely to come out
Style of managing change has not been tested since Dec 2007, it has good chance to come out, students should be aware of styles of managing change and match between styles of managing change and types of change.
Kurt Lewin forcefield analysis examines the forces for and against a proposal of changes, it has not been tested since Dec 2007 but tested in June 2007,
DCCPPRST is another model to examines forces for and against change, it focuses on context features of strategic change, and was tested in June 2008, 
Harmon’s process-strategy matrix checks the relationship between process and strategy in order to find a solution of change, it’s frequently topic and was tested in June 2008 Q2 and Dec 2009 Q3, since it was just tested, it’s unlikely to show up again.
Swimlane diagram is a tool to examine the deficiencies within the current processes, it was tested in June 2009, it’s possible it will not come up this time.
Software evaluation procedure was tested once in June 2009, it’s unlikely to be asked.

Part E Strategy and ecommerce
Part E contains following frequently tested topics
 Upstream SCM restructuring 
 Downstream SCM restructuring 
 e-marketing, market mix
Upstream SCM restructuring is about how to restructure upstream supply chain, it appeared on pilot paper and was examine in Dec 2007, normally it’s tested together value chain, as value chain was tested in Dec 2009, it has low chance to be asked.
Downstream SCM restructuring, same as above.
E-marketing and market mix, e-marketing was tested in June 2008, it has more chance than SCM restructuring.
CRM should be an important topic, but it has never been tested.

Part F Strategy and quality
Part F contains following frequently tested topics
 Characteristics of software
 V-model
 6 σ
 Software development
 Quality control and assurance

Quality is a very important theme of P3, it’s almost tested in every exam. So far each of the above topics has been tested except for CMMI which also appeared on pilot paper, it has high chance to come out. After that, 6 sigma, quality control and quality assurance are the key areas.

Part G Strategy and Project management
Project management is another important theme of P3, it’s tested every year, it’s interesting to note that it was only tested in Dec sitting.

Special Financial analysis
Financial analysis is bound to appear in every exam, if not in part A then part B.

Based on above analysis, following areas are to be tested:
Mock exam June 2010
Part A
Q1. compulsory
1.2 Cultural context
1.3 Strategic lenses
1.4 Knowledge management
1.1 SWOT & PLC
1.2 Financial analysis
1.3 Strategic clock
1.4 SAF
Part B 2 of below
2.1 E-commerce impact on marketing mix
2.2 SCM
2.3 CRM
1.1 Quality control and assurance
1.2 CMMI
1.3 Reward system
4.1 take-over or acquisition
4.2 Ashridge portfolio display
4.3 Ansoff’s matrix
5.1 Change management-styles of change
5.2 Balogun Hailey matrix
5.3 Kurt Levin forcefield analysis,or DCCPPRST

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