2012年6月ACCA特殊考场(S828青岛 和 S801新疆)报名通知



          今年6月考试计划报考S828青岛和S801新疆考点的学员请注意,以上两个考点的报名截止日期为3月2日(周五)。如果尚未收到英国邮寄来的考试报名表格,请您EMAIL至 ACCA北京代表处申请填写报名表格。








        Exam fee: RMB300 per paper



        Payment method:Fees should be paid through Business code postal order. The instruction is attached.

        付费方式:商务邮政汇款 (请见下方说明)


        Payment deadline:

        One week before the first ACCA exam date.



        Exam venue address:

        1F,Building X, China Ocean University, Xiang Gang Dong Lu, Qingdao

        Contact details: Mr. Wu 13375563299

        考点地址:青岛市香港东路 中国海洋大学浮山校区X区 (进校门右转,见路标)


        联系方式:吴老师 13375563299




        Exam fee: RMB350 per paper



        Payment method:Fees should be paid through Business code postal order. The instruction is attached.

        付费方式:商务邮政汇款 (请见下方说明)


        Payment deadline:

        One week before the first ACCA exam date.



        Exam venue address:

        Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics,

        No.237 West Hangzhou Road, Urumqi, Xinjiang,

        Jimin Building Business School Xincheng Park Campus


        联系电话:(0991) 7804687;7842121




        • 通过邮局汇款时,请选择商务汇款方式并在附言位置注明考生姓名及考试名称.



        •汇款后请将汇款回执传真至英国大使馆文化教育处考试部010-65900977,或将回执扫描并电邮至UKexams.beijing@britishcouncil.org.cn ,请在传真或邮件上写明考生的姓名,e-mail地址和联系电话。





        Terms of payment

        - Exam fee is payable by postal remittance only. Please do not pay or mail cash to us.

        - Please use the business code postal remittance service and write candidate name and purpose of paymentin the remark column on the remittance form.

        Payment receiver: 英国大使馆文化教育处考试部

        Business code: 111410143

        - Please fax/email the postal remittance receipt to our office. Please write the candidate’s name, e-mail address and telephone number on the fax/email.

        Fax: 010-65900977 Email: UKexams.beijing@britishcouncil.org.cn

        - The postal remittance form should be filled in as in the sample:


        (Note:Please remind Post Office staff to input the ‘Business code’ and ‘Payment receiver’ information accurately into system to make sure the payment can be processed.)








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