Chinese | English |
办公自动化 | Office Automation |
保险会计 | Insurance Accounting |
保险学 | Insurance |
比较管理学 | Comparative Management |
比较审计学 | Comparative Auditing |
毕业实习 | Graduation Practice |
财务报表分析 | Financial Statements Analysis |
财务报告环境 | Financial Reporting Environment |
财务分析 | Financial Analysis |
财务风险控制 | Management of Financial Risks |
财务管理 | Financial Management |
财务会计 | Financial Accounting |
财务造假对策 | Countermeasure for Financial Fraudulence |
财政概论 | Introduction to Fiscal Science |
财政学 | Fiscal Science |
财政与信贷 | Finance and Credit |
成本会计 | Cost Accounting |
程序设计语言 | Programme Design Language |
促销与广告 | Promotion and Advertising |
大学生活导论 | Guidance of Campus Life |
大学英语 | College English |
大学语文 | College Chinese |
当代国际经济 | Contemporary World Economy |
道德教育 | Moral Education |
邓小平理论 | Introduction to Deng Xiaoping's Theory |
电影美学 | Aesthetics of Cinema |
独立审计 | Independent Auditing |
对外贸易保险 | Foreign Trade Insurance |
对外贸易运输 | Foreign Trade Transportation |
发展经济学 | Development Economics |
法律 | Law |
法律基础 | Basics of Law |
法学概论 | Introduction to Law |
法学基础 | Fundamentals of Law Science |
房地产投资与金融 | Real Estate Investment & Finance |
风险管理 | Risk Management |
概率论 | Mathematics - probability |
概率论与数理统计 | Probability & Mathematical Statistics |
高等数学 | Advanced Mathematics |
高级财务会计 | Advanced Financial Accounting |
高级会计 | Advanced Accounting |
高级英语技能 | Advanced English |
高级英语阅读 | Advanced English Reading |
高级语言程序设计 | Advanced Language Programme Design |
工程经济学与管理会计 | Engineering conomics nd anagement ccounting |
工程造价管理 | Project Pricing Management |
工程制图 | Engineering Drawing |
工业会计 | Industrial Accounting |
工业企业管理 | Industrial Business Management |
工业企业经济活动分析 | Analysis of Industrial Business Activities |
工业行业技术评估概论 | Introduction to Industrial Technical Evaluation |
公共关系 | Public Relations |
公共金融学 | Public Finance |
公关礼仪 | Etiquette for Public Relations |
