Qualitative factors of Make or-buy decision - Relevant to paper F5 Make or buy decision is one of the most critical decision an organisation are often facing with in modern business environment. Hence, having a sound understanding of make or buy decision from F5 is crucial. Make-or-Buy decision (also called the outsourcing decision) is a ...
08/19 16:08

Methodology of Target costing - Relevant to paper F5 Target costing is one of the key costing methods in F5 performance measurement and in modern business environment. As an industry becomes mature, the basis of competition typically moves to price. Profit margins shrink. Companies begin focusing on cost reduction. Therefore, companies be...
02/22 14:02

Target costing Relevant to paper F5 Target costing is one of the key costing methods in F5 performance measurement and in modern business environment. As a totally new product and its industry develop, it starts to compete based on its new technology, concept, and/or service. Competitors emerge and the basis for competition evolves to oth...
02/18 17:02

Divisionalisation in Divisional performance measurement - Relevant to paper F5 This article will briefly introduce the background of divisions and divisionalisation, Take Heinz as an example of product divisional structure, a multi-product organisation, each group of products is a division. And each division has its own production, sales,...
02/18 16:02

How comes IFRS9? - Relevant to paper F7/P2 As one of its important projects, IASB have being working on IFRS9 since the year of 2005. Although not completed, the project towards replacing IAS39 with IFRS9 has got several achievements. This article addresses the background of the project and its achievements up to Dec 2011. Background In A...
01/18 11:01

New Concept of Control in IFRS10 - Relevant to paper F7/P2 IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements establishes principles for the presentation and preparation of consolidated financial statements when an entity controls one or more other entities. The IFRS supersedes IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements and SIC-12 Conso...
01/18 11:01

高顿名师讲解2013年ACCA考试P4 Swap知识点
Swap - Relevant to paper P4 Risk management is a compulsory session of P4 study. Swap is a strategy of risk management of foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk. Therefore, this article will introduce the definition and types of swap risk management, and then discuss the details of swap bank, market and etc. Definitions What are int...
01/11 11:01

高顿财经 作为ACCA黄金级培训机构,始终坚持为ACCA学员提供丰富多彩的学习模式,包括普通的 周末面授班级 、短期突破提升的 寒暑假集训班 、个性化定制的 一对一辅导课程 和灵活便捷的远程教学课程,以及连续 脱产学习的全日制培训课程 。 同时, 我们还...
01/10 15:01

高顿财经 作为ACCA黄金级培训机构,始终坚持为ACCA学员提供丰富多彩的学习模式,包括普通的 周末面授班级 、短期突破提升的 寒暑假集训班 、个性化定制的 一对一辅导课程 和灵活便捷的远程教学课程,以及连续 脱产学习的全日制培训课程 。 同时, 我们还...
01/10 15:01

高顿名师讲解2013年ACCA考试P1 International codes知识点
高顿财经 作为ACCA黄金级培训机构,始终坚持为ACCA学员提供丰富多彩的学习模式,包括普通的 周末面授班级 、短期突破提升的 寒暑假集训班 、个性化定制的 一对一辅导课程 和灵活便捷的远程教学课程,以及连续 脱产学习的全日制培训课程 。 同时, 我们还...
01/10 15:01

高顿财经 作为ACCA黄金级培训机构,始终坚持为ACCA学员提供丰富多彩的学习模式,包括普通的 周末面授班级 、短期突破提升的 寒暑假集训班 、个性化定制的 一对一辅导课程 和灵活便捷的远程教学课程,以及连续 脱产学习的全日制培训课程 。 同时, 我们还...
01/10 15:01

ACCA考试中关于非营利组织的考核非常多,许多中国考生由于对国外财政体系缺乏了解,感觉对非营利组织的性质把握不准,考试过程当中,遇到非营利组织相关的题目就会胆怯,甚至无从下手。 非营利组织对于在中国来说大多指慈善机构,然而对于西方国家来...
12/19 13:12

你不能错过的 2012 ACCA 考试考点分析
我结合自己的学习体会和培训经验,概括中国学员学好 ACCA 的要点如下: 1. 训练自己的英语表达能力,特别是有逻辑地表达。建议学员每天就自己的学习内容以一个话题的形式写一篇文章。 2. 尽可能多做练习。 ACCA 考题比较规范,以前的考题中可以总结出许多...
10/08 17:10

1.2财务信息与管理 目的:巩固知识和对财务管理技巧的应用,支持管理过程中计划、控制和决策的制定。 思路: 财务信息与管理 综述---成本---预算---绩效评估---决策 1.信息成本分类预算备份数据阶段 2.管理高-低原理标准成本绩效评估成本/利润 3.管理信息体...
07/05 09:07
1.1财务报表准备 目的:该门课程的主要目的是让学员了解关于年终会计报表的编制技术,包括公司、企业及私人企业的相关会计记录及会计报表的解释。该课程是入门级基础课,在学习之前不需要专业知识。但对于中国的学员,建议可以在学习前找一本中文版...
06/21 15:06
与... 有交易 to have an account with 作成会计帐有往来帐项 to make out an account with 清算,清理债务 to make up an account 清洁帐目与... 停止交易 to close one's account with 结帐 to close an account 清理未付款 to ask an account,to demand an account 结清差额 to balance the account with 清算 to s...
06/21 15:06
会计报表 statement of account 往来帐目 account current 现在往来帐存款额 current accout 销货帐 account sales 共同计算帐项 joint account 未决帐项 outstanding account 贷方帐项 credit account,creditor account 借方帐项 debit account,debtor account 应付帐,应付未付帐 account payable 应收帐,应...
06/21 15:06
个人所得税 1、 工资、薪金纳税=纳得额率-速扣数 =(月入-800/4000)率-速扣数 所得额 税率 扣除数 500 5% 0 500-2000 10% 25 2000-5000 15% 125 5000-20000 20% 375 20000-40000 25% 1375 40000-60000 30% 3375 60000-80000 35% 6375 80000-100000 40% 10375 大于100000 45% 15375 2、 个体工商生产经营 纳税=纳得...
06/21 15:06
外商投资企业和外国企业所得税 *以下是应纳税所得额 1、 制造业 纳额 =产销润+其他润+(营外入-营外支) 产销润 =产销净额-产销本-产销税-(销、管、财费) 产销净额 =产销总额-(销退+销折让) 产销本 =产品本+初产品存-末产品存 产品本 =本期生本+初半品、...
06/21 15:06
土地增值税 1、 理论式:税额=(每级距的土增税适用税率) 实际,按下法: (1) 增额未超扣额50%, 土增税=增额30% (2) 增额超扣额50%,未超高, 土增税=增额40%-扣额5% (3) 增额超扣额高,未超200%, 土增税=增额50%-扣额15% (4)增额超扣额的200% 土增税=增...
06/21 15:06