2013年6月ACCA考试题型(F4 公司法与商法)4-6题

4、In the context of the regulation of criminal behaviour under the Bribery Act 2010, explain:

(a) the meaning of bribery;
(b) the FOUR categories of offences;
(c) the defence of adequate procedures.

5、In relation to the rules governing the payment of company dividends, explain:

(a) how dividends may be properly funded;
(b) the rules which apply to public limited companies;
(c) the consequences of any dividend being paid in breach of the rules.

6、In the context of company law, explain the meaning of the following duties owed by directors to their companies:

(a) the duty to promote the success of the company;
(b) the duty to exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence;
(c) the duty to avoid conflicts of interest.

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