2013年6月ACCA考试题型(F4 公司法与商法)1-3题
1、In relation to the English legal system:
(a) describe the structure of the main civil courts;
(b) explain the tracking system for allocating civil cases between courts.
2、In relation to the law of contract, explain the meaning and effect of:
(a) the intention to create legal relations;
(b) the doctrine of privity.
3、In relation to the law relating to the tort of negligence, explain:
(a) the meaning of causation;
(b) the meaning and effect of the ‘but for’ test;
(c) the ways in which intervening acts or events may break the chain of causation (the doctrine of novus actusinterveniens).

2013年6月ACCA考试题型(F4 公司法与商法)7-10题2013/08/29
2013年6月ACCA考试题型(F4 公司法与商法)4-6题2013/08/29
2013年6月ACCA考试题型(F4 公司法与商法)4-6题2013/08/29