ACCA 2012 6月季F4状元告诉你考前和考中的那些事儿
In the exam hall - dos and don'ts
No matter how well prepared you may be exam hall stress can still affect your final score, undermining your hard work. Anam Sami, the June 2012 prizewinner for Paper F4, tells us how she copes on exam day。
What do you do the night before an ACCA exam?
‘I try not to cram the night before as I don’t find it very effective – instead I study as much as I can in the run up to the exam and then review my studies the day before. I also find that a good night’s sleep helps me feel more relaxed and well rested on exam day.’
What do you always take into the exam hall?
‘I take the stationery I need (and always carry spares), along with the examination docket, student registration card and some form of photo ID. I also always take a watch so I can keep track of time.’
How do you keep your nerves under control while waiting for the exam to start?
‘I try to think positively – I see examinations as an exciting opportunity to demonstrate my knowledge, rather than something to be feared. This positive mindset keeps me confident and relaxed, which also helps me to remember my studies.’
What’s your strategy for tackling the exam paper?
‘During the 15 minutes reading time I carefully read the entire exam paper and then decide the order in which I will tackle the paper, and the amount of time I will spend answering each question. Planning my approach in this way makes me feel in control and keeps me calm.’
How important is good time management in an exam?
‘It’s very important to keep track of time, and so I always keep in mind the number of questions I need to complete, and the number of marks available for each question. By planning how much time to allocate to each question, I won’t spend too much time on one answer and run out of time for the rest of the paper. I also keep a buffer of around 15 minutes so I can review my spelling, calculations and so on, to improve the presentation of my answers.’
Do you always tackle easier questions first?
‘Yes – by answering the easier questions first I know I have gained some marks and this boosts my confidence, and helps control any panic that may come when tackling harder questions. It also takes less time, on average, to answer easier questions, which keeps me on schedule for the rest of the paper, and gives me more time to answer the more difficult questions.’

中国区F8 Audit and Assurance状元-刘征2013/07/12